Use "indian|indians" in a sentence

1. Amerinds Pre-Columbian Indians Precolumbian Indians: Broader Term(s): Ethnology: Narrower Term(s): Indians of Central America Indians of Mexico Indians of North America Indians of South America Indians of the West Indies Indians with disabilities Indians, Treatment of Names, Indian: Related Term(s): Indian policies Indian wars

2. The Indians burned the buildings on Indian Key after thoroughly looting them.

3. Indian Astrologer in USA, We Indians were the first to know about astrology

4. The Algonkins The Algonquin Indian Tribe (Tribal Histories) Virginia Indians: The Powhatans (on the Algonquins of eastern Virginia.) Cittie of Ralegh - Capital of America (Virginia Beach, VA) Weapemock Indians Frisco Native American Museum Town Creek Indian Mound

5. Amerind, Amerindian language, American-Indian language, American Indian, Indian (adj) any of the languages spoken by Amerindians Indian, Amerind, Amerindic, Native American (adj) of or pertaining to American Indians or their culture or languages

6. The new Fort Peck Indian Agency was established in 1871 to serve the Assiniboine and Sioux Indians.

7. The Indian Mission in Doha has issued an advisory on 7 June, 2017 for the resident Indians.

8. Beothuk Indian Fact Sheet (Red Indians) Native American Facts For Kids was written for young people learning about the Beothuks (Red Indians) for school or home-schooling reports

9. Rheumatoid arthritis is an auto - immune disease that affects 10 million Indians , according to the Indian Rheumatology Association .

10. Abnaki Tribe, Abnaki Indians, Abenaki Indians, Abenaqui Tribe, Abenaqui Indians

11. Synonyms for Amerinds include Indians, Amerindians, Asian Indians, Native Americans, Red Indians, American Indians, injuns, Navajos, North American Indians and …

12. We heard across the board a lot of respect expressed for Indian skills or Indians in the United States.

13. (b) the number of Indians working in Egypt and whether all Indian residing there have been called back safely; and

14. The Indian Mission/Posts in Afghanistan issue regular security advisories and updates for the benefit of Indians working in Afghanistan.

15. Local Indian banks and insurance agencies were asked to provide all possible assistance for the rehabilitation of the affected Indians.

16. This Agreement enables Indian tax authorities to receive financial account information of Indians from foreign countries on an automatic basis.

17. Amerind - of or pertaining to American Indians or their culture or languages; "Native American religions"; "Indian arrowheads"

18. A Brutish Indian; a favorite expression of the Limeños when speaking of the Indians, who certainly do not merit the compliment

19. By “Indian dress” he meant costume common to whites as well as Indians in the west: moccasins, leggings, Breechclout, and a hunting shirt, a

20. Pakistan authorities do not inform the Indian Mission of the arrest of Indians and consular access is not given until their sentence is complete.

21. Pakistan authorities do not inform the Indian mission of the arrest of Indians and consular access is not given until their sentence is complete.

22. West indians, afro-americans.


24. When turnout in an election for the state government in 2008 reached an unprecedented 60%, many Indians misread this as belated Kashmiri acquiescence in Indian rule.

25. The Blackfoot, who are also called Blackfeet, Indians were originally a nomadic American Indian tribe that migrated from the Great Lakes region to the Northwestern United States

26. Anglo indians and their marginality Historically, Anglo-Indians have several stereotypes associated with them

27. Americanizing the American Indians book


29. All those who stand today under this flag are Indians , not Hindus , not Muslims , but Indians .

30. The American army officer George Crook (1828-1890) campaigned against Indians in the southwestern and northwestern United States, but he was also an outspoken champion of Indian rights.


32. The Chippewa or Ojibway Indians are one of the largest groups of American Indians in North America

33. Indian female Models, Indian Girls, No Indian Sex, Indian Glamour, Indian Super Models, Fashion Shows, Bikini Actress

34. Allotment, the federal policy of dividing communally held Indian tribal lands into individually owned private property, was the culmination of American attempts to destroy tribes and their governments and to open Indian lands to settlement by non-Indians and to development by railroads.

35. Latter-day Saints learned Indian languages, established trade relations, preached the gospel, and generally sought accommodation with Indians.24 This policy, however, emerged unevenly and was inconsistently applied.25

36. This Indian fighter firmly grasped the notion of Manifest Destiny saying that America's extermination of the Indians and thefts our their lands was ultimately beneficial as it was inevitable.

37. Not integrated circuits: Indians and Chinese.

38. They want to frame the Indians.

39. The Indians are stampeding the buffalo.

40. You saved us from those Indians.

41. The original settlers are the Indians.

42. Background In accordance with the provisions of the Indian Act, the Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development (DIAND) maintains two types of trust accounts, those for First Nations (capital and revenue accounts) and those for certain individual Indians (minors, mentally incompetents and adoptees).

43. The marauding Indians stole many horses.

44. (Note: these figures do not take into account Métis, non-status Indians, or registered Indians not receiving INAC support.)

45. 14 This Indian fighter firmly grasped the notion of Manifest Destiny saying that America's extermination of the Indians and thefts our their lands was ultimately beneficial as it was inevitable.

46. 7 synonyms for Amerind: American-Indian language, Amerindian language, American Indian, Indian, Amerindic, Native American, Indian

47. Source for information on Taino (Arawak) Indians

48. Eventually, the Indians folded up for 188.


50. There is no room for the clash of civilizations in India and the Indian community is a vibrant example of that, with Indians of all faiths and persuasions doing equally well.

51. Second, as most Indians know, Aurangzeb beat …

52. Those in white are the White Indians

53. Early explorers traded directly with the Indians.

54. Its name derives from the Arapaho Indians

55. Have you ever killed any red Indians?

56. Let's make believe that we're Red Indians.

57. Indian battles : with incidents in the early history of New England; containing thrilling and stirring narratives of battles, captivities, escapes, Ambuscades,assaults, massacres, and depredations of the Indians; the habits, customs, and traits of character peculiar to the Indian race; the life and exploits of Capt

58. Top half Indians, bottom half white guys.

59. Stu's mother is descended from Cherokee Indians.

60. Badruddin felt that all Indian Muslims were Indians first , that their religion was irrelevant to their status as citizens of India , and that they must play a part in all public activities .


62. Tapioca was a staple food of the Indians.

63. Now you go home and dream about Indians.

64. Sergeant, tell them Indians to stop that yowling.

65. Why would anyone want to frame these Indians?

66. Anasazi (from a Navajo Indian word meaning "the ancient ones") is the term archaeologists use to denote the cultures of the prehistoric Basket Makers and the Pueblo Indians of North America.

67. ‘By the way, I say Arawak / Taino Indians because I was brought up reading history books which called the native Indians Arawaks.’

68. The Indians have extended the hand of friendship .

69. The Indians bartered furs for guns and cloths.

70. Cornstalk was a leader of the Shawnee Indians

71. Butler died in 1791 fighting American Indians in

72. Last year , 23,000 Indians travelled with Star Cruises .

73. Ain't that kinda foolish, with all these Indians?

74. The Indians would barter beaver pelts for weapons.

75. ‘By the way, I say Arawak / Taino Indians because I was brought up reading history books which called the native Indians Arawaks.’

76. Americanizing the American Indians; by Prucha, Francis Paul

77. The Plains Indians were a very primitive tribe...

78. Our Embassy in Kabul has no information on illegal recruitment of Indians to work in US army bases in Afghanistan and has not received any complaints from Indian workers on remuneration or working hours.

79. The Cleveland Indians’ new shirt is Astonishingly tone deaf

80. The country's crawling with Indians and you're going fishing?